FR: 2 Furnished Rooms for rent in Ottawa, avail Jan 1
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2005-12-30 07:02:32 UTC
2 furnished bedrooms for rent in new 5 bedroom single family home in
Barrhaven (Nepean),
South West part of town (Strandherd/Greenbank area)
Suitable for co-op student, or young professional.

- 2 bedrooms, living room, full bathroom, all in newly renovated basement
- washer and dryer
- central air conditioning
- parking in driveway
- share high speed internet
- phone/cable/network jacks in all rooms
- separate phone line
- utilities included (electricity, heat/AC, phone, cable TV, internet)
- share kitchen

- Close to large Riocan Mall (Strandherd/Greenbank) - 2 min walking distance
- Close to bus route
- Close to Algonquin College (Woodroffe)
- Close to high tech companies in the west end of town

- Smoke free house
- Share with owner-clean, quiet, professional.
- You have more privacy, since you have your own living room, bathroom,
separate living area.

Looking for somebody who is:
- clean
- reasonably quiet
- non-smoker
- professional
- responsible

- Rent $475 per month for each bedroom

E-mail: ***@gmail.com or call me at 613-866-4040 if you are
interested or would like more information.

2005-12-30 11:59:15 UTC
Two furnished room for rent in large, clean and quiet
house. $395. Non smoking. No pets. THREE FULL BATHROOMS!
Share with other responsible students and coop students.
6 appliances. Linens provided if desired. Located in Nepean,
7 minutes from Baseline Bus Station. See pictures, maps,
details online at http://www.rentrooms.net
