R. LaCasse
2009-08-30 11:56:55 UTC
Dear Support Staff...............
This is a copy of the email I sent to the Lookout Society who never answer
my emails anyway:
Dear Lookout and cc 'd Concerned Advisors;
I received your "lookout memo", and inter-parsed a Reply, but your
"lookout FAX" machine was NOT Working at 604-255-0790......
So I guess I have to (AD LIB) do this "lookout memo" all over
In The "lookoutsociety" MEMO:
YOU say I wanted a NEW ROOM???....I never said any such ridiculous
thing...that's a lie...I never asked YOU for anything, you have nothing to
offer me and I have maintenance work to do.
I have mentioned this point with ALL the "Ross" building manager and
maintenance staff, since the concept of my relocating was conceived.
Now you are offering me a much smaller room, with a cheap make shift
door, to replace the safe room I made to house/store my personal federally
registered property in.
My computer/phone "office" setup is not safely portable and I am not
anywhere near as nomadic as your outfit is. The cost of any transference
would outweigh any common sense procedure.
We had an agreement with the RTO that I could use my storage room
for work as the Building Inspector Lynn Urekar confirmed, and the last 2
manager/owners Tom Mcevoy/Robert Graf---> William B. Carmichael, and John E.
Ellis....I have the paper work for that issue as well as you have in my
"lookout folder"!
On this NEW spike, I greatly wish the original mentioned Landlords
were still operating Phoenix Apartments since they allowed me to work in
"square area" of storage space I required for the last 15 years.
Technically *you are rendering me homeless* at a GREAT COST to
myself and the legislation involved, such as CFC reregistration requirements
and other obvious imposed legislative catastrophes.
I suggest we take this matter to a court of higher bearing if you
need that costly action, for you records., as I don't recognize the
reasoning in your actions here.
Might I alleviate an RTO Ruling:
The BC Human Rights Code has jurisdiction over discrimination.
Discrimination in tenancy premises:
(1) A person must not
(a) deny to a person or class of persons the right to occupy, as a
tenant, space that is represented as being available for occupancy by
a tenant, or
(b) discriminate against a person or class of persons regarding a
term or condition of the tenancy of the space,
as I clearly see myself in this category.
I am aware of the "BC Housing" policy of gutting all building
basements for some Olympic Fad while overriding the RTO guidelines imposed
against the Private Building Owners.....there are dozens of local groups who
are aware of this factor.
All building inspectors and maintenance crews have cleared my room
of their necessity, and now I get an "informal" order of eviction from an
orphaned group called the "lookout society" based on
sheer whim???....what spawned that one??? with a drop deadline of October
31, 2009.
I have lived in this location for 15years without problems
concerning my storage location, and this "Hotel" was adopted by some BC
Housing Landlords whom I haven't met yet.
ThanX in Advance
Robert LaCasse
Phoenix Apartments
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6A1C7, Canada
=======last unanswered email to lookoutsociety=======
Since our Last Meeting (Rhia/Joyce/Christina and myself) in my
storage room, all sounded quite copasetic and on the up and up, but today I
got another blast from Rhia"annon" Smith/Ross when I went to pay for the
rent, and picked some CPP mail.....
This time she is claiming that Joyce Wilson and Karen O'Shannacery,
and vaguely mentioned BC. Housing are planning to **evict me** because I
have many *unused* electrical outlets in my storage room.....then she
claimed that I blew some fuses, because she said that OTHER tenants have had
a blown fuse.....so what does that have to do with me.....something doesn't
add-up here???
Every room has their own fuse(s), so why are the OTHER tenants
"tripped" fuses a problem to my fuse. She has an attitude quite comparable
to the second last manager Tom Mcevoy who was "ousted" by BC Housing and the
RCMPs, along with some AL Arsenault.....always some honed vendetta, so I
will speak to other members of the house to see if she is telling the
truth....and apparently there is no situation like mine other than Tony
Wilson's in Room #14 with a closet in the basement.
I know that Lop, Ly, Ely, Joyce, Christina, Diana, W.
Oksanen/parkade and others have no problem with me at all, I get along with
them too, but Rhia seems to come up with a lot of weird stories.....
If any of what Rhia/Ross conveyed to me this is true, I would like
to know a valid reason for this considered Eviction Suggestion I got from
Rhia (especially since Diana Minisky/J.Ross had insured me that I was quite
secure with my storage room) so I can contact the Building Inspectors, like
Robert LaCasse
Phoenix Apartments
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6A1C7, Canada
This is a copy of the email I sent to the Lookout Society who never answer
my emails anyway:
Dear Lookout and cc 'd Concerned Advisors;
I received your "lookout memo", and inter-parsed a Reply, but your
"lookout FAX" machine was NOT Working at 604-255-0790......
So I guess I have to (AD LIB) do this "lookout memo" all over
In The "lookoutsociety" MEMO:
YOU say I wanted a NEW ROOM???....I never said any such ridiculous
thing...that's a lie...I never asked YOU for anything, you have nothing to
offer me and I have maintenance work to do.
I have mentioned this point with ALL the "Ross" building manager and
maintenance staff, since the concept of my relocating was conceived.
Now you are offering me a much smaller room, with a cheap make shift
door, to replace the safe room I made to house/store my personal federally
registered property in.
My computer/phone "office" setup is not safely portable and I am not
anywhere near as nomadic as your outfit is. The cost of any transference
would outweigh any common sense procedure.
We had an agreement with the RTO that I could use my storage room
for work as the Building Inspector Lynn Urekar confirmed, and the last 2
manager/owners Tom Mcevoy/Robert Graf---> William B. Carmichael, and John E.
Ellis....I have the paper work for that issue as well as you have in my
"lookout folder"!
On this NEW spike, I greatly wish the original mentioned Landlords
were still operating Phoenix Apartments since they allowed me to work in
"square area" of storage space I required for the last 15 years.
Technically *you are rendering me homeless* at a GREAT COST to
myself and the legislation involved, such as CFC reregistration requirements
and other obvious imposed legislative catastrophes.
I suggest we take this matter to a court of higher bearing if you
need that costly action, for you records., as I don't recognize the
reasoning in your actions here.
Might I alleviate an RTO Ruling:
The BC Human Rights Code has jurisdiction over discrimination.
Discrimination in tenancy premises:
(1) A person must not
(a) deny to a person or class of persons the right to occupy, as a
tenant, space that is represented as being available for occupancy by
a tenant, or
(b) discriminate against a person or class of persons regarding a
term or condition of the tenancy of the space,
as I clearly see myself in this category.
I am aware of the "BC Housing" policy of gutting all building
basements for some Olympic Fad while overriding the RTO guidelines imposed
against the Private Building Owners.....there are dozens of local groups who
are aware of this factor.
All building inspectors and maintenance crews have cleared my room
of their necessity, and now I get an "informal" order of eviction from an
orphaned group called the "lookout society" based on
sheer whim???....what spawned that one??? with a drop deadline of October
31, 2009.
I have lived in this location for 15years without problems
concerning my storage location, and this "Hotel" was adopted by some BC
Housing Landlords whom I haven't met yet.
ThanX in Advance
Robert LaCasse
Phoenix Apartments
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6A1C7, Canada
=======last unanswered email to lookoutsociety=======
Since our Last Meeting (Rhia/Joyce/Christina and myself) in my
storage room, all sounded quite copasetic and on the up and up, but today I
got another blast from Rhia"annon" Smith/Ross when I went to pay for the
rent, and picked some CPP mail.....
This time she is claiming that Joyce Wilson and Karen O'Shannacery,
and vaguely mentioned BC. Housing are planning to **evict me** because I
have many *unused* electrical outlets in my storage room.....then she
claimed that I blew some fuses, because she said that OTHER tenants have had
a blown fuse.....so what does that have to do with me.....something doesn't
add-up here???
Every room has their own fuse(s), so why are the OTHER tenants
"tripped" fuses a problem to my fuse. She has an attitude quite comparable
to the second last manager Tom Mcevoy who was "ousted" by BC Housing and the
RCMPs, along with some AL Arsenault.....always some honed vendetta, so I
will speak to other members of the house to see if she is telling the
truth....and apparently there is no situation like mine other than Tony
Wilson's in Room #14 with a closet in the basement.
I know that Lop, Ly, Ely, Joyce, Christina, Diana, W.
Oksanen/parkade and others have no problem with me at all, I get along with
them too, but Rhia seems to come up with a lot of weird stories.....
If any of what Rhia/Ross conveyed to me this is true, I would like
to know a valid reason for this considered Eviction Suggestion I got from
Rhia (especially since Diana Minisky/J.Ross had insured me that I was quite
secure with my storage room) so I can contact the Building Inspectors, like
Robert LaCasse
Phoenix Apartments
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6A1C7, Canada
Triad Productions-Fantalla~EZine~ParaNovel
National Association of Assault Research
Triad Productions-Fantalla~EZine~ParaNovel
National Association of Assault Research