Ontario government not giving fair hearing for tenants and landlords
(too old to reply)
2006-05-27 02:19:10 UTC
Ontario's new proposed Residential Tenancies Act

Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, the Ontario government isn't
listening to any of us.

Let's defend our democracy and demand full and fair hearings on Bill
109 for all, not just insider lobby groups.

The Ontario government after holding their biased online "public
consultation" on landlord and tenant law which had very limited
questions and available answers you were forced to choose between, are
now going to, as they are obliged to do, hold only 8 hours of "public"
hearings on Bill 109, the Residential Tenancies Act, and only in
Toronto. There were no public announcements about these "public"
hearings, on either the Ministry of Municipal Affair and Housing web
site http://www.mah.gov.on.ca , nor on the Ontario's Legislature's page
about Bill 109
http://www.ontla.on.ca/library/bills/382/109382.htm , nor any press
releases issued on
Canada Newswire http://www.newswire.ca .

You can find a poster you may likely want to print up and distribute
about this new law at
http://www.ontariotenants.ca/posters/mcguinty1.doc that you might want
to print out and post and distribute to friends and concerned
individuals and groups. It describes how even the Mike Harris
government had two sets on public hearings in 1996 and 1997 totalling
almost 100 hours, that were held in 7 cities throughout Ontario, and
had proper public notice so that citizens could submit their names to
do deputations. Doesn't McGuinty believe that the voices of those
outside of Toronto count too? And don't forget to put cuts between the
pull-off tags at the bottom of the poster so people can get Premier
McGuinty's office number to call.

If you are unhappy with this lack of proper consultations your best bet
to make it an issue is to write letters to the editors of local
newspapers and other media to express your concerns and opinions.
Check out my Canadian media page
http://www.ontariotenants.ca/misc/media.phtml , including direct links
to write letters to the editors.

I also encourage everybody to call Premier Dalton McGuinty's office at
416-325-1941 to express their opinions and to give out the number to as
many people and groups as possible. That is the purpose behind that

Demand full and fair hearings throughout the province for all citizens.
2006-06-21 04:43:15 UTC
Today, June 20, 2006, the Ontario Liberal government rammed through
their Bill 109, the Residential Tenancies Act.

There is supposedly some 80 amendments in the 3rd Reading version from
the previous one, but there are no public documents from the government
that outline them nor is even the 3rd Reading version posted on the
Ontario Legislative Assembly's web site
today the day the bill was passed.

They have not yet announced when the Act will come into effect, though
it is expected it may be January 1 of 2007.

If you are not happy with the lack of real recorded public
consultations on this law for all those concerned, tenants and
landlords, I encourage everybody to call Premier Dalton McGuinty's
office at 416-325-1941 to express their opinions and to encourage other
individuals and groups to do the same.

Many people are getting concerned about the lack of consultations on
many new Ontario laws, including Bill 102 on prescription drugs and
Bill 109 on the Human Rights Commission.

And for any updates you can always visit the Ontario Tenants Rights web
site http://www.ontariotenants.ca
2006-06-21 04:53:52 UTC
Today, June 20, 2006, the Ontario Liberal government rammed through
their Bill 109, the Residential Tenancies Act.

There is supposedly some 80 amendments in the 3rd Reading version from
the previous one, but there are no public documents from the government

that outline them nor is even the 3rd Reading version posted on the
Ontario Legislative Assembly's web site

today the day the bill was passed.

They have not yet announced when the Act will come into effect, though
it is expected it may be January 1 of 2007.

If you are not happy with the lack of real recorded public
consultations on this law for all those concerned, tenants and
landlords, I encourage everybody to call Premier Dalton McGuinty's
office at 416-325-1941 to express their opinions and to encourage other

individuals and groups to do the same.

Many people are getting concerned about the lack of consultations on
many new Ontario laws, including Bill 102 on prescription drugs and
Bill 109 on the Human Rights Commission. And the sudden rush this year
to passed so many laws, with so little consultation, and with time
allocations to limit debate in the Ontario legislature of these laws
and their impacts on Ontario's 12.5 million residents.

And for any updates you can always visit the Ontario Tenants Rights web

site http://www.ontariotenants.ca
